
February 25, 2024


1.     If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.

2.     As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3.     Calling all ladies to join us Tuesday, March 5th at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Potluck Dinner. Enjoy warm fellowship and a variety of homemade dishes. A business meeting will follow dinner. See the sign-up sheet that is posted in the Narthex by the elevator. Mark your calendar and we will see you there!

4.     The Sonshine Players will present their Spring Musical, Danny & the Shacks, on Saturday, March 9th at 6:00pm, and again on Sunday, March 10th at 4:00pm. Don’t forget to invite friends, family, and your neighbors to join them for this exciting adventure! 

5.     Faith & Fellowship and Kids Quest will begin on Wednesday, March 13th. Visit our website for links to both signups: www.leidyschurch.org/wednesday or you can go to the Church Center App and click on the "Signups" tab under "...More" along the bottom of the app screen or go to leidyschurch.churchcenter.com/registrations. Don't forget to invite your friends! These nights are a great time to share our faith, build relationships and grow together!

6.     Love Cradle Banquet happens on Saturday, March 16th beginning at 5:30. If you would like to attend, please contact Steve Yagilnicky at 215-723-0263. 

7.     Need Help with Church Center? We know that navigating new apps and technology can be easy for some, but hard and overwhelming for others…and we want to help! After the service today there will be several folks available during our coffee and snack time. Look for people at marked tables in the Fellowship Hall to help guide you through it.

8.     There will be a Shepherd meeting on Saturday, March 16th at 8am in Rm. 123. If you have any questions, contact Brian Shoemaker or Joe Sciacca.

9.     Now is the time to consider what you would like to provide for the SLMT Auction that takes place in April. Read the February Newsletter for more details. Auction donation forms are in your mailboxes or on the Welcome Desk.

10. Flowers are placed by Peter and Bonnie Smith in thankfulness for 32 wonderful years of marriage.