
November 13, 2022


  1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected. Please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.
  2. The Leidy’s Christmas Bazaar, happens this Saturday from 9-2. Stay away from that overpriced mall, grab a friend and your Christmas list and take care of all your shopping needs in one stop! Lunch and baked goods will be available. Shop early for best selection.
  3. SLMT – PUERTO RICO has added an additional week or work for those who didn’t sign up in time to be included in the first week. It takes place Feb. 25—March 4. The signup sheet is on the narthex wall. Team meetings will begin to take place in a couple of weeks. Talk with Tony Kapusta or John Niederhaus for further details, or, read the article in the November Newsletter.
  4. We give thanks for our wonderful pastors! We’d love to show our gratitude for the many ways they bless us during the year . . . please feel free to join them and your fellow members for a lunch after church service. All are welcome.
  5. Advent workshop happens on Sun., Nov. 27t This is an event for the entire family to enjoy! Samples of crafts are on the table outside the F.H. along with a sign-up for each. If you have any questions contact the church office.
  6. A.S.I.S. invites you to a Christmas Brunch on Thursday, Dec. 1s from 11:00-1:00. R.S.V.P. via the signup on the narthex wall.
  7. Join us for a Christmas Musical Concert on Dec. 18 at 6:00. Come, hear, sing as we celebrate the birth of our Savior.
  8. Do you enjoy the coffee and goodies after church? So do we...but we'd love to have some more folks to help us! If you're interested, visit the welcome desk, speak to Jim Kinney, or email the church office to sign-up and find out more information!
  9. Don’t let the Souderton parade “float” on by. We need your help as we seek to reach into the community on December 3r. Please check the signup in the Narthex and online to help.
  10. Thank you from Jill Ott for all the kind words, cards, and prayers over the last few weeks, and from Janice Kulp who wishes to express her appreciation for the prayers and cards she received from the Leidy’s Church family as she goes through her second round of chemotherapy.
  11. The Care Committee is meeting in Room 211 tomorrow at 6:30 pm.
  12. The chancel flowers are placed by Bob and Jacqui Shafer in honor of their wedding anniversary.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are sick and suffering.


  • Insight into the meaning of life is something that comes with regeneration. All of a sudden, a new transforming reality is part of one’s thinking. Hundreds of Erukula people have experienced this new way of thinking, of understanding the world. For them, Psalm 119:100 is being fulfilled. Here’s what that verse states: I understand more than the aged, Because I have observed Your precepts. As the Erukulan Christians grow in their faith, we should pray they will continue to follow/observe God’s precepts regarding morality, regarding how the world came into being, regarding how relationships between people ought to be conducted, and all the rest that comes with a full biblical reordering of the mind. May they (and we) stand firm in their Christian convictions regardless of what the world’s wisdom around them may say.
  • A perfect storm has hit Chad and Niger. Rebel fighting has resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees. The flooding that continues to be present has displaced millions of acres of farms and families. Last year’s harvest was low because of reduced availability of fertilizer. Now, millions are facing a year where they do not know from whence their food will come. All this makes for conditions that will allow Christians wanting to help in this emergency be welcomed among the people. As Chadian and Niger Christians brings aid to those in need, they also will bring the food that endures to eternal life, that is, the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for their wisdom and compassion and boldness in the Lord to result in life and eternal life for many. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things. (Isaiah 52:7/Romans 10:15)

Looking Ahead

  • November 24: Thanksgiving Eve Service @ 7:00 p.m.
  • November 27: Advent Workshop @4pm
  • December 3: Souderton Christmas Parade
  • December 4: Christmas Brass Concert @7:30pm
  • December 11: Nine Lessons & Carols by Candlelight @6pm
  • December 18: Christmas Concert @7:30pm
  • December 24: Carols by Candlelight @6pm, Communion Service @11pm
  • April 22, 2023: SLMT Auction