
December 31, 2023


1.  If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.

2.  As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.

3.  We extend congratulations to Jim Foote and Brian Radcliff who will be ordained and installed as Deacons today. May God bless their ministry among us.

4.  The staff of Leidy’s Church wishes to say Thank You for the many gifts received during this Christmas season.  

5.  Hygiene Help Happens during December. The Sander’s minister to deaf students in an eSwatini boarding school. Most families cannot afford the expense of bringing their own toiletries. The Sanders end up funding it instead. We want to help with this unbudgeted expense. Use a Second Mile offering envelope and mark it Hygiene Help and put it in one of the pillars at the back of the sanctuary.

6.  Consistory has been working to restructure church committees into ministry teams and we want each of you to be involved! Please take time to review the sheet in the bulletin and go to leidyschurch.org/ministry-teams to start to think and pray about where you might best use your gifts to serve. Signups will begin in January.

7.  Calling all ladies to join Ladies of Leidy’s as we ring in the new year at our first meeting of 2024!  It’s our annual tradition of joke night, so bring your funny & suitable jokes and let’s share in laughter as we start a new year of ministry together.  Our monthly meeting is Tuesday at 7pm in Rm. 123 (enter through west entrance, please). Questions? Feel free to contact Karen Mirabella.

8.  Leidy’s Church Congregational Dinner & Meeting will take place this Saturday beginning at 6:00. At this meeting a budget will be adopted for 2024. A copy of the budget is posted on the narthex wall.

9.  An Inquirer’s Class will begin next Sunday in the Conference Room during the Sunday School hour. If you are interested in attending, please contact the church office.

10. Women’s Sunday School Class will begin a new series Jeremiah—Daring to Hope in an Unstable World next Sunday. Learn to surrender to God’s will and rest your hope in Him alone.

11. March for Life 2024 takes place on Friday, January 19th. Leidy’s Church will have a Perkiomen bus taking people down. The bus will leave the parking lot at 6 am and usually returns between 8:30 & 9. Cost is $25. There is a sign-up in the narthex.

12. The Sunday School Class led by John Schilling which was to begin next week has been postponed until February.

13. Free – Almost new Schwinn recumbent bike. Call Dianne Nase for details.

January Ushers: Byron Rimmer, Frank Allebach, Dave Freed, Brian Radcliff