1. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected, please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave the sanctuary.
2. As you partner with us in the work of the Kingdom, please place your gifts and offerings in the Get Connected pillars.
3. March for Life 2024 takes place this Friday, January 19th. The bus will leave the parking lot at 6 am and usually returns between 8:30 & 9. Cost is $25. There is a sign-up in the narthex.
4. The Congregational Dinner has been moved to Sunday, January 28th immediately following the worship service. A copy of the budget is on the wall in the narthex.
5. The Chili Cook-off happens this Saturday, January 20th. See the January Newsletter for all the pertinent information. All proceeds go to support the Night to Shine event that is taking place on Feb. 9th.
6. The Mission Committee meets on Thursday evening in the Conference Room. Starting time is 7pm.
7. Wanted – Gently Used Bras to help women who were formerly trafficked to launch their own business selling bras in their local markets. There is a box in the coat room for your donations.
8. If you are someone who requires a little extra assistance using the restrooms, remember there is a single large restroom on the first floor across from the library for your convenience.
9. Don’t Have A Dollar-A-Day Bag? There is a table in the narthex with a friendly face or two from the Mission Committee to get you lined up with one. If you are not certain what the Dollar-A-Day project is, stop by that table and you’ll be brought up to date. The goal is to have everyone at Leidy’s Church involved.
10. Thanks To All Who Gave to the Hygiene Help program in December. The Lord willing, the funds raised will be sufficient to supply whatever hygiene materials are lacking for the students at the Deaf School in eSwatini.
11. Flowers are placed in praise for all the workers and volunteers that have helped and will be helping with the Night to Shine Event.
12. January Ushers: Byron Rimmer, Frank Allebach, Dave Freed, Brian Radcliff