
February 27, 2022



  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Diane Gehman, Brandon Kehs 3rd; Juliana Kapusta 4th; Oaklie Hager, Jaclyn Parry, Edith Roberts 5th; Gina Shoemaker 6th; Samuel Im 7th; Julia Gregory 9th.
  • HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! John and Fern Vasey 6th; Roger and Patti Jones 8th.

THE SERMON TITLE this morning is Restoration for a Broken World.

ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP takes place this Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Pre-service music begins at 7:20. The worship service will consist of singing hymns, concerted prayer, followed by the Lord’s Supper. You are encouraged to attend this special service of worship.

JOIN US: Coffee and Danish pastries will be served immediately after the Sunday service at 11:15 in the foyer (narthex). Come and join us for a great chance to get to know others, catch up with one another and welcome newcomers to our Church Family.


  • Pastor Steve’s Bible Class – Gospel of John – Rm. 211
  • Young Adults – Topical Bible Studies – Rm. 111
  • Women’s Sunday School - God Is . . . the Names of God – Rm. 125
  • Parents, Kids, & Other Matters of Importance – Youth Room

MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW for the Spring musical Faith News! We guarantee you'll be surprised by some of the Bible characters you'll meet! This is a multi-generational production that you can bring anyone to. Geared to young and old, you can be sure its chock full of Gospel truths...told through catchy songs that will have you humming the whole way home! It's been too long since the Sonshine Players have been on stage, don’t miss this opportunity to support our kids (and adult performers too!) on Saturday, March 26th @ 6:30 pm and Sunday, March 27th @ 4pm in our Fellowship Hall. No charge for admission...so bring lots of friends & neighbors!

EACH WEEK THE YOUTH OF LEIDY’S CHURCH gather to share life, learn about the Lord, play games and have a generally great time. Youth Fellowship is in need of volunteers, especially needed are female volunteers, to come alongside our teens. If you have a passion for seeing the next generation come to know the Lord, please prayerfully consider helping. If you have any questions, or would like to help, please contact the church office or Pastor Michael.

SPECIAL SERVICES MEETING this Thursday evening at 7:00 in the Conference Room.

JOIN US FOR OUR NEW monthly Church Prayer Meeting on Thursday, March 24th from 7:00-8:15pm in the Fellowship Hall to pray for God’s blessing on the life of our church family.

YOUTH RETREAT – Youth Fellowship will be going on a Spring Retreat at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference Center on March 18-20. We will dive deep into God’s Word, find the grace that He has revealed, and worship Him for all He continues to do in us and through us. If you are interested in going on the retreat (or sending your junior high and high school students on the retreat), please contact Pastor Michael and be on the look-out, because more details will follow.

THE FAMOUS LADIES OF LEIDY’S Potluck Dinner will be held this Tuesday evening at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up on the poster in the narthex. It will be a wonderful evening to enjoy great food and fellowship. All ladies are welcome to attend.

IT'S IN AND AVAILABLE. The Spring quarter of The St. James Daily Devotional Guide is now available from the narthex hutch. Today is the beginning of the Spring quarter, so it is a very timely arrival. Try it. You might like it.

MISSIONS MONTH – During the month of March, Leidy’s Church pays special attention to our mission endeavors. A different mission is highlighted each week. It gives us a chance to connect with those whom we support, while also gaining a fuller understanding of the mission work in which they are engaged. Next week we will welcome Rita Whitaker from Life Turning Point of Philadelphia.

THE CHRISTIAN LIFE is full of ups, downs, twists, and turns.  Praise the Lord that He holds us fast through it all! Just because the Lord holds us by His sovereign power, does not mean that the Christian life is easy to understand or live out.  What is one area that you would like to grow in your understanding? Go on, take a minute and think. If something comes to mind, please write it on the slip provided at the welcome desk and deposit it in the offering pillars at the back of the sanctuary.


  • A marvelous thing has happened. The Erukula people group in India had no knowledge of the Lord Jesus a mere three years ago. They were like the folk Paul describes in Eph. 2:12 as “separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world.” Now, hundreds have been converted through the grace of Jesus and 12 Church Planters are laboring for Christ’s kingdom in their midst. As we continue to pray for the Holy Spirit’s work among the Erukula people, we might think of Psalm 119:111 as a fitting goal to pray for the sort of knowledge they possess: I have inherited Your testimonies forever, For they are the joy of my heart. That’s a reality to be sought by all who are part of the household of God, including us!
  • Pray for the disciples being sent from the Christ Discipleship Training Center in Mali. This program is fruit from the Global Disciples Directors Training in Niger in August (sponsored by Immanuel Leidy’s Church). They are reaching out to the Maninka (also known as Mandinka) people in the Koulikou region in Mali. The Maninka are agricultural people cultivating millet, sorghum, and tending small herds of cattle. They are predominately Muslim, although their religious practices are mixed with Animism. They speak a Mandekan language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family. Their population is about 1,772,000 in all of Mal

Help us gather goods for the North Care Women's Clinic! The Church & Community Committee will be collecting the following items to donate to the clinic until the end of March. Please bring any of the following items to the table in the narthex if you'd like to help!

  • Diapers (size Newborn only)
  • Board books
  • Sleepers (size 0-3 & 3-6 months; boys & girls)
  • Baby towels and washcloths
  • Baby wash
  • Bibs

THE YOUNG ADULT Sunday School class will meet in the Fellowship Hall for Sunday School during Missions Month. We will resume meeting in April. All young adults are welcome and encouraged to join us. Any questions, contact Jim or Ginna Foote, and Justin and Emma Coale.

THE SLMT AUCTION slated for April 30, 2022, is postponed for now, as more research of a mission project needs to be done, which may or may not come to fruition by this summer. In addition, we have some SLMT designated funds leftover from last year’s mission project. We are so grateful for our congregation’s ongoing support for the SLMT Auction that financially funds SLMT projects. We will notify you about any developments on a SLMT mission trip and auction as information becomes available.

LEIDY’S CHURCH is the site again this year for the Living Word Mission Conference and Synod on Thursday, May 5th, through Saturday the 7th. They are seeking to hire some help with childcare, specifically afternoon on the 5th, between 8 am and 6 pm the 6th, and between 8 to 12:30 the 7th. Workers must be over 18 years of age and have PA Background checks completed. If interested, please email Phillip.shade@adlw.org.

RUMMAGE SORTING: Many times a month ladies come together and sort the rummage that has been placed in the Rummage Room. For the month of March the dates are: Tuesday, the 1st;  Wednesday the 16th; and Wednesday the 30th. Times are from 9-12. If you have any questions please see Alice Kraus.

THE MARCH NEWSLETTER is published and distributed in the church mailboxes. Extra copies can be found on the table outside the sanctuary.

THE WOMEN’S MINISTRY of Leidy’s Church has planned a special event for Saturday, March 12th from 8:30 to noon. Julie Henning, who shared her story with our ladies in 2008, has agreed to share with our ladies once again. Breakfast with Julie will feature breakfast prepared for the ladies by Chef Tony and his crew, followed by some special music and a presentation by Julie. Sign-up either in the narthex or use the link provided in the Weekly Leidy’s newsletter. Friends are welcome!

PATTERNS OF PRAYER take place the first and third Saturdays of each month. We pray in the morning from 10 to 12 in Room 117. Participants are welcome to come and go as schedules permit/necessitate. This Saturday is the first Saturday of February, so we’ll be praying and you’re welcome to join us. If you have any questions or suggestions for prayer, please speak with Patricia Martindell.

PATTY KENDALL wishes to give a heartfelt thanks to her church family and friends for your cards and prayers during her mom’s recent illness and passing. You are a blessing!