
December 11, 2022


  1. Nine Lessons & Carols by Candlelight tonight at 6:00. Invite family and friends to come to this special musical and hear of the meaning of Christmas.
  2. Christmas Caroling takes place Dec. 18th. You can register online or by completing the form at the Welcome Desk. Join in spreading Christmas cheer!
  3. Christmas Concert on December 18th at 7:30. Join us as we magnify the mighty work of God in redemption through the medium of song.
  4. Christmas Eve Services on December 24th at 6:00 and communion at 11 p.m.
  5. If you are new here and would like to know more about Jesus, Leidy’s Church, and how to get connected. Please fill out the Get Connected Card and put it in the Get Connected box on the left-hand side of the doors when you leave.
  6. Please stay for lunch today as we celebrate the ministry of Pastor Steve.
  7. We celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2022. We are excited about 2023. January 15 is going to be Vision Sunday. Come and join us.
  8. Wednesday Central is starting January 11th. Please register at leidyschurch.org/Wednesday.
  9. Want to see a good movie? Beginning this Thursday and continuing for a week, the Broad Street Theater will be showing I Heard the Bells, the first movie production from Sight and Sound. It details how Henry Wadsworth Longfellow came to pen the Christmas hymnI Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.
  10. Poinsettia plants may be ordered. The plants this year will be $17. Fill out the form from the Welcome Desk and place it in the basket provided.
  11. Be prepared! Be generous! Be a partner! Those who are part of the SLMT-Puerto Rico mission effort are in the process of raising support in terms of dollars and in terms of prayer partners. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.
  12. The chancel flowers are in honor of Pastor Steve and Joy Myers for their many years of faithful service to Leidy’s Church.

Prayer Points

Please pray for those within our church family who are recovering.

Janie Inyang                Tim Cressman             Marj Talbot

Bonnie Doran              Dianne Nase                Janice Kulp

Sherman Focht            Karen Focht                

  • If God be for us, who can be against us? The Lord has promised to always make a way for His people. As we pray for the continued movement of the Holy Spirit among the Erukula people in India, we can give thanks that He will be with each one of them through thick and thin. Something dramatic has happened among the Erukula – many have become literate already and 150 more are in literacy classes right now. What that means is the treasure trove of biblical truth, assurances, and comfort is accessible to them. This week, let’s pray Psalm 119:50 will be experienced by them. This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your Word has revived me. May we receive the same reviving!
  • This week, in addition to praying for Christians in Chad and Niger as they reach out to unreached people groups, let’s also pray for Global Disciples Worship Specialist, Tim Bentch. Early last week Tim left for the Democratic Republic of Congo to conduct training sessions for worship leaders. He has asked us to pray for health, safety for himself as he travels and for the 8 worship leaders and 5staff who will take part in the training. Traveling can be difficult and dangerous in the DRC. Pray for safety and ease of travel for the participants.Pray that God will anoint each person and that the training will multiply especially to newly planted churches. Tim says it is wonderful to see local leaders raised up and commissioned to continue the work of training worship leaders.

Looking Ahead

  • December 24: Carols by Candlelight @6pm, Communion Service @11pm
  • January 14: Congregational Dinner
  • February 10: Night to Shine
  • April 22, 2023: SLMT Auction

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