
church directory app

Instructions for downloading the Leidy’s Church Directory App

download our directory app

Please note: this app is a great tool that will allow our church to communicate ever more fluidly, however, it does contain a good amount of private information that should only be shared within the church community.

Please do not share anyone's email, phone numbers, or addresses without expressed permission from that person.

We are excited to continue growing in our connection as members of Leidy’s Church and hopefully, this app will help (if only in a very small and practical way).

To get started:

  1. Go to your device’s App Store (Google Play Store on Android)
  2. Search for  “Universal Church Directory” (The app icon is red and says “My UCD”)
  3. Download the app and open it
  4. On the first screen, you will be prompted for your “unique identifier”
    (If you have not already received this in an email from the church office, please contact us for the ID)
  5. Type your “unique identifier” into the box
  6. Tap on “download my church directory”
  7. You should now have access to the church directory application!